Gallery nottinghamaikido Couple of our younger students training #nottingha We’ve kicked off 2022 at the dojo with some good Juniors practising self defence at the Eagle Dojo Happy New Year everyone #nottingham #selfdefense # New Year, new start at the kids classes at the Eag Dragons versus Instructors at the dojo tonight! #a Bit of family practise at the Shobukan Nottingham, At just 5 years old, Caleb is learning how to fall Female Aikidoka are going strong at The Eagle Dojo Social Distancing, Shomenuchi Ikkajo osae ni at th Shomen uchi kotegaeshi ni, social distancing pract Training Aikido by yourself can be difficult, here Training has resumed at Shobukan Nottingham The Ea High energy and hard work with social distancing i Well done to sister and brother duo Rosie and Geor James Saunders Sensei demonstrating how we are sti All our Zoom classes over lockdown hasn’t done G Looks like good news. Can’t imagine to explain t Dojo life doesn’t stop for lockdown, well not du The Dojo has been prepared for reopening with soci Follow on Instagram This error message is only visible to WordPress admins